We are a small publisher and offer a range of books and e-resources on arms and armour and artillery.
We are also interested in publishing specialist arms and armour books and invite authors to submit proposals for books.

Papers to celebrate the 700 th anniversary of the Armourers and Brasiers Company of London.

At the Sign of the Dragon. Papers to celebrate the 700 th anniversary of the Armourers and

Brasiers Company of London.

Edited by Kay Douglas Smith & Ruth Rhynas Brown. Hardback, 264pp, fully illustrated in


This volume contains the papers given by some of the World’s leading arms and armour

scholars at a conference in 2022 and includes:

Simon D Metcalf . A drawing of the right gauntlet from the lost arabesque armour of Henry


Pierre Terjanian. Liberal art or profession? Etching armour in Renaissance Nuremberg

Thom Richardson. Mail and plate armour in the 14 th century

Arthur Bijl. A 15 th century dagger in its late Timurid context

Iason-Eleftherios Tzouriadis An Italian partizan in London: The Bolognese type partizan and

its place in staff weapon typology

Michael Spencer. 'The wit of man went beyond itself': Some English firearms of the 16 th


Randall Moffett. How a ‘common man’ shall be armed

Michał Dziewulski . In search of the non-existent. Uncertainties and mysteries in the

iconography of Polish arms in the 17 th – 18 th centuries.

Ruth Rhynas Brown. The Armourers Company in the 16 th century

Kay Smith. The London gunfounders of the 16 th century

Guy M Wilson. Provincial armourers: a case study of the armour and weapon makers of the

Yorkshire town of Ripon

P&P UK £30 GBP

P&P Europe £40 GBP

P&P Rest of the World £60 GBP

The Vauxhall Operatory. A century of inventions before the Scientific Revolution

By Guy M Wilson


The Vauxhall Operatory traces the impact of the Kalthoff family as they travelled across Europe, with their strange repeating magazine gun. Established in 1629 and based upon the visionary writing of Sir Francis Bacon, the Operatory was where experiments were undertaken on anything close to the impossible or unbelievable – leather cannon, submarines, mines, automata, flying machines, perpetual motion machines. This monograph reveals how the Operatory was an important link between the ‘magical’ science of the Elizabethan Renaissance and the empirical science of the English Scientific Revolution. Those interested in firearms will find much of interest here, as will those who are fascinated by the history science and technology.

144 pages, 21 b/w illustrations

Post and packing

The proceedings of a conference held in 2002, the 19 papers range widely, from the conservation of firearms and armour to painted shields and Japanese armours

144 pages, 137 b/w and 72 colour illustrations

ISBN 0-955 1622-0-3

Post and packing

Edited by Robert D Smith

This volume celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of ICOMAM, the International Committee of Museums and Collections of Arms and Military History, now an International Committee of ICOM (the International Council of Museums). Since its foundation in 1957, ICOMAM, formerly known as IAMAM (the International Association of Museums of Arms and Military History) has been the professional organisation representing and providing a forum for museums of arms and military history from all around the world.

Alongside new papers on aspects of the history of arms and armour, military history and their museums this volume contains some of the best papers from past IAMAM/ICOMAM Congresses, many of which have previously been inaccessible. The selection is intended to show the range and quality of the research work of our members over the last half century.

Published by: Basiliscoe Press in association with ICOMAM

448 pages, profusely illustrated

ISBN: 978-0-9551622-1-3

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By Tom Wimsey (edited by Arthur Credland)

A dictionary and survey of the gunmakers working in Lincolnshire and its environs. A must for those interested in English gunmaking from the 18th to the 20th centuries and in the local history of Lincoln and the surrounding area.

96 pages, 51 b/w illustration

ISBN 978-09551622-3-7

Ruth&Kay Sun, May 16, 10:13 AM (3 days ago) to me
Post and packing

This definitive book is the first to describe and illustrate British fuzes used and developed during WWI. Some of these were in service before WWI and some continued into WWII, whereas others had a very limited use before they were superseded. Many of the latter are virtually unknown and some of the drawings and photographs have never been published before

472 pages, hardback, fully illustrated in colour

ISBN 978-0-9551622-6-8

Post and packing